Literature Grade 6 Nepal Special Manakamana

Literature Grade 6 Nepal Special Manakamana Genre/Topic:

What is the meaning of Manakamana? Where is the Manakamana Temple? How did Ram Shah die? What came out of the stone? Who is the priest at Manakamana Temple?

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Literature Grade 3 Poetry The hungry snake

Literature Grade 3 Poetry The hungry snake Genre/Topic:

Why is it hard for snakes to hop or skip?

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Literature Grade 5 Mystery

Literature Grade 5 Mystery Genre/Topic:

The peanut butter thief

Literature Grade 2 Nepal special Gai Jatra

Literature Grade 2 Nepal special Gai Jatra Genre/Topic:

When is Gai Jatra celebrated? Is Gai Jatra celebrated all around Nepal or only in Kathmandu?

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Literature Grade 4 Biography Thomas Alva Edison

Literature Grade 4 Biography Thomas Alva Edison Genre/Topic:

When was Thomas Alva Edison born? Who supported and encouraged him in life? What were some of the famous inventions of Edison? What was his greatest invention? What can we learn from Edison’s life?

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Literature Grade 1 Poetry Rhinos purple, Hippos green

Literature Grade 1 Poetry Rhinos purple, Hippos green Genre/Topic:

A poem by Michael Patrick Hearn where you can find hippopotamus and rhinos?

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Literature Grade 6 Short stories Dusk

Literature Grade 6 Short stories Dusk Genre/Topic:

What was dusk according to Gortsby? Why was the young man cursing? What happened to Patagonian Hotel? How did Gortsby find his way to the hotel?

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Literature Grade 1 Poetry Mice

Literature Grade 1 Poetry Mice Genre/Topic:

Where do the mice live? what color are they?

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Literature Grade 6 Myths and Legends

Literature Grade 6 Myths and Legends Genre/Topic:

Echo and Narcissus The twelve labours of Hercules The adventures of Persues

Literature Grade 2 Short stories

Literature Grade 2 Short stories Genre/Topic:

We can help The three Billy Goats Gruff A house in the woods

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